Twirling Bears
Twirling Bears
Excused Absence from a Performance Policy
Excused Absence from a Performance Policy
All members baton, colorguard and pom - are expected, as has always been the policy, to participate in all scheduled performances. "Performances" include scheduling time to wait for your awards. It is up to the contest director as to when and how awards are given out. We will not barter to get them early for you, nor be responsible for picking them up.
While most people naturally use the policies below, there have been some who have not. Our schedule is given well in advance of performance dates. Weekly practices should be regularly attended and practicing with your equipment at home is a part of baton and colorguard.
Absences should be rare. It is expected that when signing up for the activity, that the student and family fully intend to participate. If there is a performance date conflict the director should be notified well in advanced (several months).
Acceptable excused absences
Acceptable excused absences
- Funeral/wake attendance,
- Wedding attendance of immediate family member,
- Wedding where the student is in the wedding,
- Hospitalization (of the student),
- Sudden illness of the student themselves where a call is made that day. (A cold does not warrant missing a performance).
- Participation in a championship event (state, sectionals, etc.) on the same day as an open contest or community event.
- Out-of-town on vacation that could not be rescheduled.
- Participation in prom, homecoming, 1st communion or graduation at the same time as a Twirling Bears event.
The event must be at the same time as the Twirling Bears performance. If there is time to make it from the event to the T. Bears performance or visa versa it is unexcused.
Participation in an event of another sport/activity that is not a championship event on the same day as State, Regionals or Nationals is an unexcused absence. Student jobs, birthday parties, etc. are not excused absences from performances. Student’s should request the day off from work. Missing an occasional practice for these is o.k.
It is expected that when the schedule is given that all students will allot the time on their calendars for these dates. If there is a problem with a date for one of the excused reasons listed above, at least a two-month notice should be given where possible, except funerals and illness.
Awards and trophies won will be given out at the last performance for perfect attendance for those attending all performances.
Attire Policy for Classes/Performances
Attire Policy for Classes/Performances
You must come dressed for class. Baton, Colorguard, Poms, etc. are sports and proper attire is required.
Effective immediately:
Effective immediately:
Under no circumstances will anyone be permitted in class that is dressed in jeans, dresses or cords of any kind. This includes jean skorts, jean skirts, jean dresses, long jeans, jean capris, jean shorts, etc. Jean material of any kind whether “dance” or not is not permitted.
Skorts of any kind are not permitted. If your attire appears to be street attire, you will not take class - no exceptions.
No refunds or make up classes will be provided if you come improperly dressed.
Proper attire includes gym or jazz shoes and any combination of the following:
Proper attire includes gym or jazz shoes and any combination of the following:
- Dance or gymnastic leotards with tights
- Jogging or warm-up pants with socks
- Stretch material capris or stretch shorts made for dance, baton, working out
- Dancers stretch leggings or footless tights with a t shirt
- Short sleeve t shirts or sleeveless t shirts
No long sleeves, hoods, sweaters or jackets allowed.
Gym shoes should be Prowlers, Cougars, In-Step, jazz shoes, low top girl’s gym shoes made for toe pointing and spinning, dancer’s gym shoes, other gym/guard shoes or dance shoes made for baton, pom, guard or dance. Heelies, thick soled gym shoes made for running or walking are not acceptable.
How you come dressed to class and performances, shows whether or not you are prepared. If you take dance class for example, come dressed to poms, baton, etc. the same way you come to your dance class.